Albion Online Universe: Its Details And More

Even if the final beta of Albion Online was launched, nonetheless, we are pleased and proud to announce the launch on JeuxOnLine of our universe Albion Online. As we all know, Albion Online was developed by the German studio Sandbox Interactive, on top of that, Albion Online is also an MMO sandbox entirely entrusted to the players.


The game relies on a medieval-fantasy universe accessible on all platforms PC, Mac, Linux but also on mobile (IOS, Android). It is no longer distributed in free-to-play but adopts an economic model of Buy to Play. The game is then financed by an integrated shop that allows to obtain the status Premium against the OR and which gives many advantages.

They ensure the production of objects and buildings, found cities of guilds and carry the commercial system of the universe between the different continents. Albion Online also relies on a gameplay essentially PvP full loot to restore meaning to the death. The killed player may lose all his equipment, looted by his aggressor.

Albion Online: The Introduction Of Artefact System

In the next beta of the Albion Online MMORPG, the batch of new features will be presented. Additionally, for those who the most energetic gamers, they will able to make the most weapons in the game. Sandbox Interactive are attempt to restoring it, what this means is that the current PVE content in the dungeons thanks to these rare lootings. Don’t cheat yourself, can you reject cheap albion online silver?


The Artefacts are ancient relics dating from the terrible war that brought about the destruction of Albion 1300 years ago. Fragments are scattered in the darkest dungeons and craftsmen who manage to gather enough fragments can reforge these powerful Artifacts in an Alloy Workshop.

Not only do the artifacts have a unique appearance and a higher basic power, but especially dedicated spells and skills. Each main weapon, secondary and equipment set will be equipped with an Artifact. In total, there are no less than 81 new items: 45 weapons, 9 secondary weapons (left hand) and 9 sets of armor (helmet, torso, boots). They will appear in the drop account during the beta.

Regarding the interest of artefacts, it can bring variety in the player’s specialization, on the whole, a player must focus on one of the three subcategories of a weapon to acquire all specialty bonuses. Notably, the artifacts are located on the main node of the weapon category that unlocks the different Third-Party weapons. The three artefacts in the category will automatically power up by unlocking third parties. At the same time, by buying cheap albion online gold, and you can play so fun gameplay.

Albion Online Faye: The New Faye Details

It’s said to that the MMORPG promises a real sandbox gameplay, Albion Online, we will be sees a new update to enrich a world already well supplied. It was named for FAYE. In the meantime, this one brings its batch of innovations while the developers have pushed the end of the beta until next summer.


We start with the new Biome “Forest”. This new environment contains 3 important resources: skin, wood and stone. It also uses the same danger markers: green, red and dead, with the atmosphere darkening accordingly. Two factions populate the forests, the Guardians and the Heretics, but there are also special creatures (spirits of different natures), as well as large fauna (wolves, wild boars, foxes, rabbits and bears). Amazing detail, some of them can loot their offspring that you can raise yourself.

We continue with other changes and innovations that are less obvious but that are important. There is something new for the guilds, they can compete more easily via the royal islands. Players can have fun with new emotes that further enhance the social aspect of the game (applauding, dancing, crying, bandaging muscles, etc.). On the ambient side, 19 additional pieces of music are added in order to reinforce the immersion of the different zones. Cities are more joyful while dangerous areas seem more disturbing.

Developers do not forget to animate their world according to the seasons with the arrival of Christmas decorations and a special mission in the dungeons of Guardian. The farming is made a little less painful with the possibility of descending of mount while keeping the bonus of charge, unless attacked or to go away a little too much. Another interesting point with the mount is that it takes the damage when you are attacked, until you go down or die.

T4 players can obtain essences for refining by killing faction enemies. These can be changed to Runes. And since we talk about transmutation, you no longer need Transmutator, the operation is done in the refining buildings. The guards (NPCs) are replaced by towers located at the entrance of the cities in PvP zones to attack the bandits, that is to say to the players who assaulted a “non-bandit” player, even if his reputation was Positive. Your buildings are degrading now, so they have to be maintained or restored.

Ultimately, a new function is also introduced, Badge. We can active it via the configuration inferface, in addition, the badges of a players will be able to revealed, you will be see it in advance who comes in your direction as well as take the necessary measures. Notably, Frost Mages as well as Mages acquires 2 new spells: Frost Ray and Cursed Sickle. For all this are added of course some improvements as well as correction of various bugs.

Albion Online The Latest News: Final Beta Was Launched

Due to previous beta tests coming to an end, according to German developer Sandbox Interative, they announced the final beta for their Sandbox MMORPG Albion Online. Are you Ready for join the battle? With regard to the final beta, some improvements as well as brand new features was added. To that end, a new adventure is waiting for the 160,000 Founders to explore. Additionally, included Founders with legendary, Veteran status as well as Epic can be participated in the final beta. In the Albion, For other players who want to take part in right now can still upgrade Founder’s Pack.


In their quest to improve the players’ adventuring experience in Albion, Sandbox Interactive has for example restructured the game’ s Destiny Board and revamped the Guild vs Guild battle system, also adding new features to the overall guild gameplay. But that’s just one area where new features have been added. The two new worlds of the Royal Islands and The Outlands contain new biomes (swamps, steppes and mountains), with unique looks and different setups.

To stay competitive in these new environments, players can now get their hands on the newly added Artifact Items (weapons, armor sets and off-hands). But when they do, they better be smart about their actions and decisions, as the also new Reputation and Crime system will keep track of who acts honorably and who fights dirty.

Actually, which is more than merely a stat: at the same time, the reputation of player’s has a important effect on the way the game world reacts to them. On basic of its wealth of new features the Final Beta offers huge new areas to discover as well as new possibilities for the players to shape the world of Albion Online with their deeds.

The New Reputation System Of Albion Online

For the new Albion Online, big changes soon to be come. Notably, with regard to a new system of crime as well as reputation, it will penalize or reward players in accordance to their behavior towards other players. On basic of the orientation of each one, this system will allow to assign a particular status according to the attitudes and methods applied.


From the model Citizen to the criminal, each player will have to answer for his actions according to levels of reputation ranging from Glorious to Redoutable through Noble, Virtuous, Reputed, Neutral, Infamous, Scathing and Negative. This Level will also be visible to everyone by an icon of value added after the nickname: A star for the “good” and a skull for the “bad”.


The current World of Albion is composed of a single territory on which a multitude of players intersect and kill each other, for the greatest misfortune of the casual players or all those who have a calmer orientation. The developers of Sandbox Interactive have therefore set up a new world divided into different territories and different areas of action.

The Royal Islands (green, yellow and red zones), governed by a law of the king that the Royal Expeditionary Forces take charge of, and the Farlands, essentially in the black zone, on which everything is permitted. Some unrestricted areas, in the territory of the Royal Islands, will nevertheless be accessible for PvP and the search for particular resources.

Players seeking a more farming-oriented mode of play, crafting in casual mode, fighting monsters essentially will be protected by law, and will instead move to a good citizen status and find their place on the Royal Islands.

Who will tend to crime, for those who adopt a PVP mode, living on pillaging as well as fighting on territories under royal protection, arguably, their place shoud be that of Farlands where their actions will not affect their level of reputation, be in there, they will able to find other players with the same state of mind.

Albion Online Details: PVP Statistics And More

When the Beta Final of the MMORPG Sandbox Albion Online launched, during the time, we need to remind of you about many novelties were going to appear, in a few months, until the game official released. Needless to say, in accordance to Sandbox Interactive studio, it keeps its promises.


Today, it gives us a whole new functionality: the table of PvP statistics (or the killboard, for the English version, which will remain in all cases for the French version) whose function will be to keep us informed on all the actions PvP, GvG players. The table will also give us the information of the best players and guilds in the ranking as well as the upcoming inter-guild meetings that might interest players willing to follow the clash.

Description And Functionality Of The Table

The table of PvP statistics is divided into 5 sections accessible through a main menu of five specific tabs.

1st tab: The best PvP actions (section itself divided into two sub-tables):

Fighting tops: This table will give you the top five players in PvP mode with the date, time, killer, victim and fame points the player will have obtained. By clicking on the nickname of each participant you will be able to obtain additional information and their own statistics. Your search will be done on the last fighting that took place during the week or the current month, and the week or the previous month.

The most recent fights: will give you all the most recent fights in an order from the oldest to the least dated, with a slight delay in the report so as not to give too quickly the information on the places to avoid.

Note that the details button will give you access to precise information about who participated, which guild they belong to, what alliances are underway, what their equipment is and what the victim was carrying at the time of his death.

2nd tab: the table of fights or battles
This section will give you the best fights that have taken place in the open world. The details button will show the location, duration, number of participants and their characteristics.

3rd tab: the meetings in GvG
Divided into three sub-tables, you will have access to information on all the most famous fights, past and future. The first sub-table is a showcase of the next three most prominent inter-guild meetings, the second gives you future meetings in detail, and the third the most recent encounters with a full report on the battle.

4th tab: the best fighter scores (the leaderboard)
Here you will find all the information about the best fighters and guilds, based on the highest reputation and reputation, and according to their ratio of killed / dead (when a player kills a victim Obtains fame, when a player dies, he gives renown to his executioner).

5th tab: comparison

With regard to the section, you will be allowed to compare up to 5 guilds by thinking of the totality of their PVP statistics, including their top five players as well as their basic info. Without futher ado, do not forget the search bar, If you are interested, there is allow you to refine and directly access the full information of a gamer or guild.

Albion Online Has Been Redesigned: How The Gremio Against Guild System

It’s said to that Sandbox Interactive has just launched a new video of Albion Online, at the same time, it reveals how it has redesigned the system Germio against Gremio (GCG). It’s worth mentioning that they can fight and conquer territory in 5-on-5 fights in guild battles.


However, the developers found the system to be incomplete and monotonous, so they have put their hands to work to redesign many of its features. These changes will come to life in the final beta of this summer.

These will be the new features:

Reprisal Attacks: If a guild loses its territory but possesses the adjoining territory, it can launch a reprisal attack to try to recover the lost territory.

New design of the regions: each region will have only one base territory, so the guilds will have a safe haven to call home.

Counterattacks: If a defending guild wins a GcG battle with wide difference or automatically, it can attack its enemies. This encourages real gameplay and prevents guilds from launching fake attacks.

Regional timers: you can only fight GcG for a certain number of hours a day, which will be different in each region. Players from a time zone will be able to fight in the most comfortable region for them.

Guard towers: As a replacement for the present territories with resources, the guard towers will be in open territories with a tower and PNJ that shoot at any hostile entity that dares to penetrate its perimeter.

The Trailer Of Albion Online: Beta Final

At present, the trailer for the final beta of Albion Online has been released by Sandbox Interactive, On top of that, we can see how all players will import into this open world MMORPG. When it comes to the founders of Albion Online, From August 1, they will be able to check all the new features, changes as well as new features of this version, in order to the definitive launch at the end of the year. It’s no deniably that gamers are expecting to buy cheap albion gold.


In Albion Online stories are written by players and their actions influence the game world. Users can choose what they want to be: an adventurer, a peasant worker, a reckless outlaw or a master craftsman. No matter what each player wants to be, they will find their own place in the huge world of Albion.

By watching the new trailer of the final Betam, it majorly aim to how the actions of each player, futhermore, and their guild, to that end, they can creat the world of Albion. Each player’s involvement, the trailer can also show more, including their commitment, shapes the stories that happen in Albion Online. More importantly, and that everyone matters. In the meantime, on some official gaming websites, you can visit those websites to buy albion online silver.

Albion Online: Release Date And Final Beta Duration

For Albion Online the final beta, until now it has been running for a little more than two months. It’s safe to say that it’s a good time, now that let’s you know our view on the status quo of the game, in addition to this, you will get an update on the way forward. it appears to be that all players are excited at buying cheap albion online gold.


Compared to Beta 1, we have fixed a lot bugs, addressed some critical game design issues and added new exciting features and content to the game. On the other hand, some of the changes made between Beta 1 and Final Beta have created new issues that need to be addressed. For issues and update news, and you can keep it right here on:

On top of that, taking stock of Beta 1 and Final Beta, we still feel that some of the game’s core gameplay is not yet where it should be. We are eager to get the game ready for release and we know that waiting for this to happen can be frustrating.

Our main goal with Albion Online is for the game to be a long term success. We want the game to do well even 5 years down the road, and not suffer the crash and burn fate so common in newly released MMORPGs.

Therefore, we have decided the following:
Final Beta will continue into the next year.
Feature roadmap for upcoming wipe and release.
If these improvements turn out well, we will release the game shortly there after.
There will be an in-beta wipe, most likely in February/March, once we have made the necessary improvements to the game and game world. Players have no time considerate more apart from spend much time on buying cheap albion silver.

Faye Update And Albion Online Guide

Actually, When it comes to Albion Online, which is a real sandbox gameplay. At present, we can see a new update to enrich a world already well supplied. It was called FAYE, however, a batch of innovations soon to be come. Moreover, thanks to some developers, they have pushed the end of the beta until next summer. If you missed cheapest albion online gold, you would be get disappointed.


We start with the new Biome “Forest”. This new environment contains 3 important resources: skin, wood and stone. It also uses the same danger markers: green, red and dead, with the atmosphere darkening accordingly. Two factions populate the forests, the Guardians and the Heretics, but there are also special creatures (Spirits of different natures), as well as large fauna (wolves, wild boars, foxes, rabbits and bears). Amazing detail, some of them can loot their offspring that you can raise yourself.

We continue with other changes and innovations that are less obvious but that are important. There is something new for the guilds, they can compete more easily via the royal islands. Players can have fun with new emotes that further enhance the social aspect of the game (applauding, dancing, crying, bandaging muscles, etc.). On the ambient side, 19 additional pieces of music are added in order to reinforce the immersion of the different zones. Cities are more joyful while dangerous areas seem more disturbing.

Developers do not forget to animate their world according to the seasons with the arrival of Christmas decorations and a special mission in the dungeons of Guardian. The farming is made a little less painful with the possibility of descending of mount while keeping the bonus of charge, unless attacked or to go away a little too much. Another interesting point with the mount is that it takes the damage when you are attacked, until you go down or die. Many players are preoccupied with buying cheapest albion online silver.

T4 players can obtain essences for refining by killing faction enemies. These can be changed to Runes. And since we talk about transmutation, you no longer need Transmutator, the operation is done in the refining buildings. The guards (NPCs) are replaced by towers located at the entrance of the cities in PvP zones to attack the bandits, that is to say to the players who assaulted a “non-bandit” player, even if his reputation was Positive. Your buildings are degrading now, so they have to be maintained or restored.

Ultimately, a new function is introduced, Badge function, we can active it via the configuration inferface, futhermore, you will able to see in advance the badge of a player who comes in your direction and take the necessary measures. For Frost Mages as well as Mages, it will be get 2 new spells. including Frost Ray and Cursed Sickle. Regarding all this are added, there are some the correction of various bugs and some improvements. If you want to get more update about FAYE, on the official site, you can find more details such as